New Batch starting for Management And Engineering Course Last date for application is 24 Dec 2024
27 May 2024
The basic purpose of the course is to open a medium of admission for completing programs for students, who have done the 10+2 and are interested in taking Business as a career. Also after completing diploma hotel Program, a student should be able to get access level job in the field of hotel in any MNC Company.
The Diploma Program in Hotel Management aims to help the learners develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for working in Hotels, restaurants etc. The programme provides indepth theoretical and practical knowledge. The Project Work and practicals that form a major component of the programme would help the learners develop the requisite attitudes and skills necessary for working effectively. The Diploma Programme is very specifically vocational in nature, opening avenues for employment as well as self employment.
Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent.
Duration: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 3 years offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 45,500/- for full programme to be paid Semester wise Rs. 22,750/- per semester.
Semseter I:
Semseter II: